Debone the chicken thighs, keeping the skin on. Click here to see the video on how to debone chicken thighs. Season the chicken with salt and black pepper on both surfaces.
Heat a skillet (cast-iron preferred) over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Pan-fry the chicken until both sides are crispy and nicely browned. Remove the chicken from the skillet and set aside.
Add the remaining olive oil and sauté the garlic until slightly browned, then add the chicken broth, whipping cream, lemon slices, cayenne pepper, white wine, mirin (if using), salt, and sugar. Lower the heat and let simmer.
Add the chicken back into the skillet and reduce the sauce a bit more. Stir in the parsley, then remove from heat and serve immediately.
You can use chicken breasts or bone-in chicken thighs.