6oz (175g)fresh white button mushroomsstems trimmed and quartered
1red chiliesdeseeded, cut into thick strips
2 1/2tablespoonsfish sauce
3/4cupcoconut milk
1big limejuiced
Add the chicken broth and water to a pot over high heat. Then, add the lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and roasted chili paste to the broth and bring to a boil.
Add the chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, and red chili. Once the chicken and shrimp are cooked, add the fish sauce, coconut milk, and lime juice. Stir to combine well, then turn off the heat and serve immediately.
If you can't find lemongrass, galangal, and kaffir lime leaves, just skip them. There are no real substitutes but your soup will not have the aromas imparted by these ingredients. You can buy Thai roasted chili paste online.